The February Review

To sum up February in one word, I'd most likely use the word fast. Everything just seemed to pass by extremely fast and before I knew it the calendar on my desk was flipped open to the 1st of March. Despite the fact that the month itself did pass by without notice, it wouldn't be fair to say there were no significant events to mark this month. It just so happened to be my parent's milestone 25th wedding anniversary, my brother's 23rd birthday celebrations for which I made a "Death By Oreo Chocolate Cake" which you can read about on the blog and perhaps last and certainly least would be the the much anticipated Pakistan versus India cricket world cup match which was a disaapointment on so many levels so to speak. Putting aside all that, university has resumed and I now commence my third year as a law student. Here's to hoping this year brings along countless blessings, happiness, travels, experiences and wonderful friendships (amen). 

Till next time x 
The Law Student Diary

When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the spirit laughs for what it has found.
-Sufi Proverb

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