The January Review

If someone were to ask me to describe January within one word, then I'd probably look them in the eye and slowly reply "whirlwind". Why a whirlwind you may wonder? Well for starters it was an enjoyable, fast-paced, eventful, food filled festivities of a month. I don't think I've blogged that consistently and made baked goodies one after the other ever during my time as a uni student. Reflecting back on my holidays I'd say I'm one happy little trooper for having accomplished all the things that I managed to get done during January courtesy of a planner, they are a lifesaver I tell you. On the upside January was also the month my utmost favourite baker/Instagrammer/Photographer and a wonder woman of sorts, Linda Lomelino, commented on one of my photos (clickable link) which so happened to be an attempt at her french toast recipe. It is safe to say I was practically over the moon and that pretty much ended my January on a good note.

Till next time x 
The Law Student Diary

هذه الأوقات صعبة لكنها ستمر
These times are hard, but they will pass.

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